Thursday, June 21, 2007

Am back back back!!!

Well well well. This is my first post after a long long long time. (3 is my lucky number!) Glad to be back even though no one reads my posts.

I used to have another blog. But somehow I have chosen to forget the password for that hapless account. And now it is a lonely, unattended, orphaned blog out there, roaming the dangerous by-lanes of the internet.

It would not have happened if I had migrated away from Yahoo at the opportune moment, like every other discerning internet-surfer (What else would you call them?). Unfortunately I had set my email in the blogger account to an old Yahoo mail account. And I do use this id pretty often. But Yahoo has chosen to banish this mail-id from the land of the internet. Hence I can’t log in to my account now and check my new blogger password. Sad but true. Google I am coming!!

This is the sad story of how a multinational internet corporation orphaned a little, unassuming, innocent, doe-eyed (Think Pussy Cat in Shrek 2) little blog of mine to starve and roam the streets of internet.

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