Thursday, June 21, 2007

Age of Innocence and Tintin

Honestly a lot of things have gotten in between me and my blog recently. Not to mention the fact that we did not have a party of significant consequence since my last post.

Now that I have started writing, let me share a few interesting insights on Herge's works. Tintin. Tintin, has not just been a comic book character for me. To me he has been more of a friend philosopher and guide(Sorry about that cliche). To such an extent, that when in the first term our OB prof asked us to write 3 characters who have had the greatest influence in your life, I chose to mention Tintin. Tintin personified the lofty ideals of truthfulness and faithfulness. The never ending quest to pursue the truth. Faithfulness was portrayed in the various relations that he shared with his friends and most importantly his dog, Snowy. The underlying theme that came through in the comic books is that never at any cost should one ditch his or her friends. They are our companions and to them we should show unwavering faithfulness. Though Herge does not stress on family values but such lessons can easily be stretched to cover the family as well. Is it that in an age such as today, such values have lost their relevance? Have we lost that young innocence or is it still there, hidden, deep within us and have we chosen not to reveal it? Today if we pick up any of the comics that are availble at the friendly local bookstore, the only theme that comes forward is that of violence and revenge. The age of innocence may well be on the way out with in these times of FPS games.

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