Friday, July 13, 2007

Global Warming?

Well this is one topic on which being objective would be near impossible. In all the debate that is raging across the world, I find that there are two highly polarized factions. There is a group of ‘Global warming doomsday conspirators’ and also a set of critics who believe it is nothing more than rumor-mongering. The doomsday conspirators may be starting to gain an edge over the critics given the Inter-governmental Panel of Climate Change report.

I will only try to bring out a few facts here. Hard Facts!

1. CO2, which is one of the many green houses gases, has increased from 250 ppm, during the pre-industrial levels, to 400 ppm. This has been termed ‘anthropogenic green house gas emissions’. In other words we have helped nearly double the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Models are ineffective in predicting what final increase in average temperature it will have. But it is an established fact that, there will be an effect, most likely a warming. How much? We can’t say!

2. Given the enormous effort required to reduce the emissions, this is likely to continue. This means we will keep on adding to the 400 ppm. There are ways in which the CO2 is sequestered, but the increase would be despite that.

Given the fact that we are changing the Equilibrium, we call nature, it is therefore established that there will be consequences. Are these consequences going to be as grave as the doomsday conspirators are making it out to be? I think not. I also don’t think that they will be as mild as critics say it will be.

There will be consequences.

Do read up this page on Global Warming:

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